ToolBank Network Updates Their Look and Mission
The ToolBank network has come a long way and over the past several months we have taken some big steps forward to enhance our network. From humble beginnings in 1991 with just one ToolBank, providing home repairs to low-income seniors in Atlanta, to the innovative tool-lending program it is today operating in 8 cities with several disaster trailers we thought it was time to make some changes (and yes, our logo was still the original logo from 1991). Last fall the ToolBank network, led by the affiliate Executive Directors, proposed a new mission statement. After an approval from the ToolBank USA Board of Directors, each affiliate adopted our new mission which now reads: Phoenix ToolBank serves community-based organizations by providing tools, equipment, and expertise to empower their most ambitious goals. Executive Director, Jana Smith, with Phoenix ToolBank said “I feel that this is a better representation of ToolBank’s work in our community. We don’t just lend out tools, but we help fulfill the dreams of our local nonprofits by removing the barrier of tools. We also continually strive through knowing our members and our inventory to provide guidance and our knowledge to help certify our members are efficiently utilizing community volunteers, while ensuring they have the right tools for the job.”
ToolBank embodies a spirit of collaboration and community engagement for our charitable sector. As we move forward, expanding our services and reach, we thought it was time for a fresh new look. And last month we took another step forward and updated our logo! We will also be launching our new look in a variety of layouts (stacked, variety of colors and with our four focus areas) so be on the lookout for our new marketing material incorporating our new look!